tisdag 2 mars 2010


im in war, against the society, against technology, against friends on vacation and definitely against overtime at work, since it really changes my habits.
im doing nothing but sleeping and working right now. NOTHING.
ohwell, maybe i make some phonecalls in swedish and cook some food every now and then, but most of the time, im sleeping/working.
today, i spent an hour at the bank, trying to make those losers understand that theyve been doing more than wrong and that they owe me 600 euros (which, for me is an ENOURM amount).
i came out from the bank a lot lighter, since the stone in my stomach melted and i actually did something that might be called smiling.
the nightmarestartofayear is actually about to get back on track.
and i realized that i have so much to look forward to these months.
im just gonna change my attitude.
and soon, bianca will be home. and my birthday is just a couple of weeks (well, three, to be precise) away (DONT EVER FORGET THE 24th OF MARCH!)
think im gonna write my wishlist, bigtime, soon.

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