lördag 20 december 2014


1. Did you do anything that you had never done before? Ended up in a police investigation. (long story and yes, I am innocent FYI) 2. Did any of your friends get kids in 2014? Yes, quite a few, but no one as appreciated as my baby niece Ellie. 3. Did anyone close to you die? Thank god no. 4. Which countries did you visit? Holland (where I lived for some months), Sweden, Spain and Morrocco. Oh and Denmark. 5. Is there anything you missed out n in 2014 that you want in 2015? Honestly, no, not particularly, I mean, we can all go on and on about "better pay", "traveling more" and all that stuff, but in general I was quite satisfied! 6. What was your greatest success in 2014? Probably getting promoted to "regional manager" and realizing that i actually do love vintage profoundly. 7. Biggest mistake? Not realizing how tired I got from working... 8. Did you get sick or hurt? I got a pretty rash case of burn-out in november, it sort of soiled the rest of the year (and partly the entire year to be honest) 9. Best purchase? Flight tickets? Naaa, I don't know. 10. What did you spend the most money on? Traveling. No doubt about that. 11. Did anything make you really happy? Yes! I got a niece in september, the prettiest little baby girl on the earth. 12. Which songs will always remind you of 2014? Oh wow. Flatbush Zombies - Palm trees, is the first I think of. I've been listening to a lot of mixes, so no particular song really. 13. Where you happier or sadder this year, compared to previous years? I was a lot happier. I moved back to Paris, to the city I love and rediscovered its beauty and my love for it. 14. What do you wish that you would had done more of? Travelling and writing. 15. What do you wish that you would had done less of? Working my ass off 16. Did you fall in love this year? Well, I was already in love when the year started, and I still am. But I did kind of re-fall in love with my man, after months of arguing. 17. Do you hate anyone right now that you didn't hate in the beginning of the year? Most certainly yes. 18. The best book you read this year? I don't remember if I read it in 2013 or 2014, but it's my all-time best book: Shantaram 19. Greatest musical discovery? Quite a few! Flatbush Zombies is definitely part of the league. Otherwise, djs making mix tapes/dj sets. 20. What festivals did you visit in 2014? Roskilde and Lowlands, but I was working at both, so I'm not sure that counts. 21. What did you do on your birthday 2014? Nothing… I did not appreciate turning 26, I wanted to forget about it. I spent the day with my boyfriend. 22. How would you describe your look in 2014? Very vintage. Short skirts. A little preppy maybe, one would say? 23. What made you happy? My niece! My boyfriend and my friends! 24. Is there anything that could have made your year better? Getting a bigger apartment. 25. Favorite TV-show? Sorry folks, this chic don't watch tv, but ok, American dad. 26. Something you wished for and got? Uhm, lots of love? 27. Something you wished for but didn't get? A bigger apartment. 28. Who did you miss? The people in Sweden.

deal with it

ok, so here's the deal. i might just be a small town gal when it all comes around. i might just be another blonde swede moving to paris, dreaming of love and wine and whatever. i might just be a simple girl with high ambitions of a new life. i might just have pretended to understand for years until i actually did. i might have had a hard time reconstructing my life and adapting to the french society. but. in the end, after seven years all these former statements are my past. my roots. my road towards the future. i grew into something. i discovered a new me, a me that belong here. i grew out if my swedish habits. i do not any more have porridge for breakfast and i find it increasingly horrible. i like to have a glass of wine (or two) with my dinner, even if it occurs almost every day. i complain about everything, nothing is, has been or will ever be good enough. i can not, under any circumstances have my dinner without fresh bread, i freak out. it has gotten to a point where i speak, dream and think in french, simply enough because it's after all, my first language today. i barely have any non-french friends left, they all leave, one by one. i won't.